Friday, September 25, 2009

September month UG meeting presentations

As always conducting our 3rd User group meeting was a real fun and we thoroughly enjoyed it. The other main aspect of this meeting was that we had twice the number of people than it was for the previous UG meeting. Yes, we ended up with 21 members and conference room was completely full. I would like to thank each and every one of you for attending this meeting and making it a fun filled technical event.
There were two sessions that were taken namely,

#1. Introduction to Indexes & Effective Indexing

Speaker: Deepak Rangarajan
Duration: 90 minutes

Discusses about Indexes and Index types. What are the important index operators to look for while tuning a query. How to cover a query with indexes and avoid lookups & a glance at the SQL Server execution plan.

Download presentation on Indexes & effective Indexing

We had refreshments for 15 minutes within which we discussed about PASS, benefits of registering with PASS, resources available at PASS and about PASS summit. We even had a group photo with our UG members.

#2. Data compression & Effects of Auto-shrinking

Speaker: VidyaSagar
Duration: 75 minutes

What is data compression, when and where can it be used. What are the underlying algorithms being used while compressing data etc..Finally the discussion was about Auto shrinking and its effects on a OLTP production machine during bussiness hours etc.

Download presentation on Data compression & Effect of Auto-shrinking

We'll be having our next month UG most likely on October 24th 2009. Once we get the conference room confirmed we'll let you know.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Link to download your indexing presentation is broken, is it possible to get it from another location?
